V-CREAM  潤肤藉

VDW302   35ML

Deliver moisturizing, nourishing to skin. Smoothing and softening skin texture. It restores the suppleness and firmness of the skin,reduces skin fine lines and wrinkles as well. Keep the skin fairness and youthfulness. 

Direction : Apply V-Cream on cleansed face and smoothen it evenly. Morning and Night .

为皮肤提供滋润与, 保持皮肤柔软光滑, 使皮肤富有彈性和結实. 减少皮肤的細紋与皱纹. 保持肌肤白晢和年轻

用法 : V-Cream均勻 涂于清洁后的脸部, 早晚各一次 .

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