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V-FADE 消斑美白霜

VDW305(1)  35ml Effectivly Lighten and whiten dark, dull and uneven skin tone, clear dark sports. you a fairer and younger looking.Brighten and smoothen the skin. Leave you a faiere and younger looking. 有效地美白暗淡、暗及不均匀的肤色,去除黑斑。使肌肤亮丽柔化。保持肌肤滋润,结实及光滑。使您看来更白皙、年轻。  

V-SUN II(WR) 抗水防哂乳

VDW315  35ml Water rssistant,high effective sun care format provides broad spectrum protection of both UVA & UVB. The protection is more durable, and it'll not be much effected by water or sweat. It also helps minimize the skin phyto aging, darkness and uncomfortable reaction of UV damage. 全新高效抗水配方防哂乳,提共更广谱的防哂保护,同时防护日光紫外线UVA & UVB. 防哂效果作用更特久,不会因为沾水或出汗而丧失防护功能。协助减低日光紫外线危害所造成的肌肤光老化,减少容颜暗淡以及被曝哂后的不适反应。  

V-SUN(T) 防哂乳

VDW316  35ml Formulated with multi UV blockers and UV filters. Provide complete skin protection from sun light of UVA & UVB and IR. Minizie the skin uncomfortable reaction after sun. Moisturize, smooth and calm down the skin. 经由多种紫外线光波阻挡和过所配制的。提供皮肤全面的A、B型紫外线防护。使肌肤更滋润,柔滑及镇静皮肤。保持皮肤白皙及亮丽。  

V-RENEWAL (W) 美白换肤精华

VDW311 35ml Specially formulated with Natural Fruit Acids and Vitamin C. Remove excess dead cells from skin surface. Lighten, brighten and refine the complexion. Help clear, skin blemishes and sports. Reduce fine lines and wrinkles. 由多种天然果酸特别配制而成。去除多余死皮细胞及其他表皮上的肤瑕疵。帮助清除皮肤暗疮及黑斑。减少细纹与皱纹。使肌肤光滑,亮丽与细腻。


VDW317  8ml x 2pc Moisturizing and nourishing the skin. Helps lighten skin tone and stimulates collagen syntheses and suppleness texture. Promotes the smoothness and radiance to the skin. 为皮肤提供滋润与滋养。帮助美白肤色及促进皮肤的弹性与洁实,使肤色柔滑和亮丽。


VDW410  8ml x 2pc Remove the impurities from the skin surface. Lighten and brighten skin tone. 去除皮表瑕疵。美白及亮丽皮肤色泽。


VDW411  8ml x 2pc Remove the impurities from the skin surface. Absorb the excess skin sebum, clear and refine the skin pores. 去除皮肤表面的杂质,清洁及收敛毛孔,使皮肤白皙均匀光滑。

V-CLEAN (GOLD) 纯金洁面露

VDW105  35ml Gentle yet deeply clean skin, remove dirt, make-up residues and excess sebum.24K pure gold added help rejuvenating the skin. Provide moisturizing and softening to skin, cause no dryness due to cleansing. Natural based, soap free, pH balaced mild formulation suitable to all skin types. 温和有效地深入清洁皮肤、清除污垢及脸部化妆。24K纯金帮助抗老化。提供滋润和柔滑皮肤,天然成份,无皂基,酸硷平衡,适合各种皮肤。  

V-SUN(COVER) 防护防晒乳

VDW318  35ml Formulated with multi UV blockers and uv filters. Provide complete skin protection from sun ligh of UVA, UVB and IR. Moisturize, smooth and calm down skin. Water resistance high cover up formula conceals skin uneven color spots, gives skin a instant fair and bright complexion. 含有由多种紫外线光波阻挡剂和过滤剂所组成的配方。提供皮肤全面的紫外线A、B,甚至是远红外线的防护。防晒的同时,提供皮肤滋润,柔滑及镇静皮肤。防水高遮盖力配方轻易地遮掩皮肤斑点,让您即刻拥有白皙及亮丽的皮肤。

V-SUN (WRT) 抗水防晒乳

VDW319  35ml High efficacy, water resistance formula, provides long lasting, broad spectrum, durable protection to against sun light damage. Combined with multi UV blockers and filters. Transparence looking formula suitable for both men and women, also for sport use. 高效能,抗水配方,提供长时间的防护,特久保护皮肤免受阳光伤害。提供更广谱的防晒保护,同时防护日光紫外线UVA & UVB. 提供皮肤全面的A、B型紫外线防护。适合男女和运动使用。